Install and test go_oauth2_server

It was design to work with etcd2 which is outdated. So I rewrite it for etcd3.

There is a major trick that did not mentioned at

You have to load default data make 4 scenarios work.

base data

go-oauth2-server loaddata oauth/fixtures/roles.yml
go-oauth2-server loaddata oauth/fixtures/scopes.yml

test users (default password: test_password)

go-oauth2-server loaddata oauth/fixtures/test_users.yml

test clients

go-oauth2-server loaddata oauth/fixtures/test_clients.yml

test access tokens

go-oauth2-server loaddata oauth/fixtures/test_access_tokens.yml

With these, it works.

If you are not running at source directory, make sure you have copy the web directory to your working directory. (Of course, you don’t need *.go within web directory).


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